

View definitions for repudiated


adjective as in rejected

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Does this mean the AJC will also call on Danny Danon, Ofir Akunis, Tzipi Hotovely and many others in the Likud to be repudiated?

The German overlords of the euro zone are insisting that Italy stay the course the Italians have just repudiated.

It rejected and repudiated the ideas that have dominated American political discourse since the Carter presidency.

In an academic world devoted to acknowledging complexity, such dishonest Soviet-pedigreed sloganeering should be repudiated.

Some critics concluded that the 2010 congressional elections and rise of the Tea Party repudiated his thesis.

He repudiated his oath at Carlisle as extorted by force and intimidation, and professed a compelling sense of patriotism.

Almost all those kings of France who are called of the first race, repudiated their wives and took fresh ones.

Certainly the most cultivated and aristocratic sect--the Sadducees--repudiated it altogether; while the Pharisees held to it.

Mazzini repudiated any artificial assimilating of the sexes; but their differing functions were equally sacred and necessary.

This notion appears to be borrowed from no better source than the repudiated doctrine of the three judges in the Aylesbury case.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


