
View definitions for relatives


noun as in flesh and blood

noun as in folks

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So where does this leave the millions of Palestinians—like my relatives—who dream of self-determination and a sovereign state?

On Monday, Soelistyo had jolted relatives as well as searchers by suggesting that the plane could be “at the bottom of the sea.”

So, why would a species like the banded mongoose favor breeding between relatives?

That is why I visited my relatives in Iran in 2011, when I was unjustly arrested and charged with espionage.

He called for the homes of their families to be leveled “to the ground” and their relatives to be exiled from Chechnya.

A dish of toads of the largest and most repulsive variety used to be offered one by one to the big man's relatives and guests.

The mob of relatives and friends wrecked and burned the castle, massacring the retainers to a man.

One would have thought that half the dogs in the neighborhood had relatives coming from Columbia.

Afterward, accompanied by his relatives, he proceeded to the room where were placed the tablets in memory of his ancestors.

He does not know yet that the larger estate a man leaves to his relatives the more useful his life has been.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


