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read through

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Now he was taking his time to read through the “2700 page” bill and see what changes could be made to win his support.

Jeff Bridges (the Dude) and John Goodman (Walter) are meeting with the brothers for the first time to read through the script.

Bridges and Goodman read through the scenes as the Dude and Walter.

After a cursory read-through, Walsh offered him a part in The Big Trail.

One can read through a stack of music magazines and never find any in-depth discussion of music.

He got up, stood still on the spot, and sat down again, again read through the paragraph.

I shall carefully read through these despatches this evening, and shall discuss them with my colleagues to-morrow.

It is not a book to be read through at one sitting, but one to dip into occasionally and to ruminate over in pleased contentment.

Pyetushkov read through all his poor books, and praised aloud one story in the Library of Good Reading.

He who read through her lustrous, transiently dwelling eyes had not that security.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


