

View definitions for propagates


verb as in spread, make known

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A Utah State University team has measured just how rapidly breath droplets from a person speaking or coughing propagate in a room—a result that could help hospitals decide where to place equipment or patients’ beds.

From Fortune

The strong selection amounted to optically sorting and propagating into the next generation only the top 20 percent of green fluorescing organisms.

The mathematics behind a single soliton propagating on its own is relatively simple, but it grows more complicated when solitons cross each other.

These animals—what Genus calls “elite germplasm”—are then propagated via breeding on “multiplier farms” and purchased by producers everywhere from Iowa to Beijing, who breed them still further.

By doing that, you, Steve and Courttia Wright did something that is slowly happening more on film — creating scenes not propagated by impending violence.

The publicity the family propagates for itself engenders a kind of madness, it has to in order to maintain itself.

They are yielding new insights into the way the shock front propagates in these really complex environments.

That's all fine and dandy, except that it propagates a potentially false story from an unsavory source.

Besides the whole species is subjected to man, who propagates and multiplies it as much as he pleases.

Greece, artistic before becoming a trader, propagates by her colonies her mind and her ideas.

Experience shows that it thrives and propagates best in the soil of materialism.

The high, inaccessible cliffs of Scotland and Ireland are the places where this noble bird propagates its race.

The salutary influence which good example propagates, we find stamped on every avocation in life.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


