verb as in copyedit
Weak matches
Example Sentences
And, beyond its plagiarism-checking capabilities, Grammarly helps you proofread your content.
You can use this tool to proofread and edit articles, blog posts, emails, etc.
You send it to me, I’ll proofread it and send it back to you, and then you send it to these people.
And I was supposed to get a draft copy of the book to proofread, but I never did.
I like to proofread in noisy restaurants, with my glasses off, staring close at the type.
Magpruyba pa ku sa katapúsang pahina, I still have to proofread the last page.
This second edition is also available in proofread PDF format.
First, the information on file is copied, and proofread to guard against errors.
The text herein presented was derived from scans of the original report which were OCRed and proofread.
The printed book was typeset and proofread more carefully than most books of similar literary quality.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.