Example Sentences
“There’s been a real decline in how people perceive the effectiveness of the workplace to support the work they do every day,” says Hoskins.
There is some evidence that institutions that have more women in their ranks are perceived as more legitimate.
While Johnson wouldn’t classify their work as political per se, they understand how the personal can be perceived as political.
So, three decibels is the detection threshold of human hearing, and a 10-decibel change is perceived as twice as loud by humans.
We’re also interested in how polls are perceived by the media and the public and how that sometimes conflicts with the way we think polls should be viewed.
There is no disconnect between what the scientists are measuring and finding and what Americans are perceiving and experiencing.
If he's perceiving elite anxiety, one can only say: finally.
Najafi told The Daily Beast that perceiving his song as an insult is “a 100 percent misinterpretation.”
But in point of fact, it now seems actually that all that fancy perceiving and thinking is not so difficult.
First and foremost, I realized my Dad would always have to deal with people perceiving him as “too old” to be President.
In this situation we waited the motion of the enemy, without perceiving any advancement they made towards us.
No man was likely to see Ramona with Alessandro without perceiving the rare quality of her devotion to him.
On getting near, however, and perceiving that Randolph was holding his own, Douglas chivalrously halted his men.
But he could not help perceiving that Marlborough's situation was widely different from what it had been a few years before.
The crews were somewhat slow in perceiving us, and had not time to raise their anchors before we came puffing up to them.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.