adjective as in banished
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For some women, this manifested as fear of being ostracized at work, or putting themselves in danger of losing their kids at home.
Ray Rice was quickly ostracized when the full brutality of his abuse became evident.
But there is also no reason to think the child was ostracized or abused.
Is it better to be a part of a community against your own instincts, or be your own person and be ostracized?
“Rather than being embraced, appreciated and acknowledged, we are ostracized, ignored and blamed,” said Blaine.
Thucydides was ostracized, and to the end of his life, Pericles reigned the undisputed master of the public policy of Athens.
He had walked in the shadow of death and had been deprived of office; ostracized like Aristides because he was "too just a man."
As a man who had been a leader among the aristocratic classes, he was ostracized.
The Athenians therefore rose up against him in anger, ostracized him, and drove him out of the country to end his life in exile.
There is always some Michael or Fritz who has been ostracized.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.