of one mind
adjective as in harmonious
Weak matches
- accordant
- adapted
- compatible
- concordant
- congruous
- consonant
- dulcet
- euphonious
- harmonic
- harmonizing
- in accord
- in chorus
- in concert
- in harmony
- in step
- in tune
- in unison
- like
- matching
- mellifluous
- melodic
- melodious
- mix
- musical
- on same wavelength
- rhythmical
- silvery
- similar
- simpatico
- sonorous
- suitable
- sweet-sounding
- symmetrical
- sympathetic
- symphonic
- symphonious
- tuneful
adjective as in like-minded
adjective as in symphonious
Weak matches
- accordant
- adapted
- amicable
- balanced
- compatible
- concordant
- congenial
- congruous
- consonant
- coordinated
- cordial
- dulcet
- euphonious
- harmonic
- harmonizing
- in accord
- in chorus
- in concert
- in harmony
- in step
- in tune
- in unison
- like
- matching
- mellifluous
- melodic
- melodious
- mix
- musical
- on same wavelength
- peaceful
- rhythmical
- silvery
- similar
- simpatico
- sonorous
- suitable
- sweet-sounding
- symmetrical
- sympathetic
- symphonic
- tuneful
adjective as in unanimous
Strongest matches
adjective as in united
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adverb as in in agreement
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.