adjective as in harmonic
adjective as in harmonious
Weak matches
- accordant
- adapted
- compatible
- concordant
- congruous
- consonant
- dulcet
- euphonious
- harmonic
- in accord
- in chorus
- in concert
- in harmony
- in step
- in tune
- in unison
- like
- matching
- mellifluous
- melodic
- melodious
- mix
- musical
- of one mind
- on same wavelength
- rhythmical
- silvery
- similar
- simpatico
- sonorous
- suitable
- sweet-sounding
- symmetrical
- sympathetic
- symphonic
- symphonious
- tuneful
adjective as in symphonious
Weak matches
- accordant
- adapted
- amicable
- balanced
- compatible
- concordant
- congenial
- congruous
- consonant
- coordinated
- cordial
- dulcet
- euphonious
- harmonic
- in accord
- in chorus
- in concert
- in harmony
- in step
- in tune
- in unison
- like
- matching
- mellifluous
- melodic
- melodious
- mix
- musical
- of one mind
- on same wavelength
- peaceful
- rhythmical
- silvery
- similar
- simpatico
- sonorous
- suitable
- sweet-sounding
- symmetrical
- sympathetic
- symphonic
- tuneful
Example Sentences
What is needed now is the harmonizing of our social relations with the new forms of production.
Colors are now photographed because invention and science have found the harmonizing chemicals.
For this reason chiefly, greater actual knowledge and more complete harmonizing of conflicting interests is necessary.
We can find the concord or harmonizing at its intensest, as in Romeo's speech over the dead Juliet.
The thought of love as the harmonizing bond between diverse elements is dealt with more poetically in Troilus and Criseyde, Bk.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.