noun as in belief, behavior different from most
Strong matches
- bohemianism
- breach
- denial
- disaffection
- disagreement
- disapprobation
- disapproval
- discordance
- disobedience
- dissent
- eccentricity
- exception
- heresy
- heterodoxy
- iconoclasm
- insubordination
- lawlessness
- negation
- nonacceptance
- noncompliance
- objection
- opposition
- originality
- recalcitrance
- recusancy
- rejection
- strangeness
- unconventionality
- uniqueness
- unorthodoxy
- unruliness
- veto
- violation
Example Sentences
There aren’t enough clues to determine Sullivan’s truth, not enough “evidence that their motivation for gender nonconformity was not external, but internal.”
In a way, the rain may have been comforting at a time when nonconformity seemed to have overthrown Washington’s temperature regime.
This says a lot about views of nonconformity that it's entirely plausible he still holds.
We are too prone to party shibboleths; it is the characteristic sin which our necessary nonconformity has generated.
Nonconformity is, no doubt, amenable to the reproach of undue sectarianism and unnecessary division.
There was much nonconformity in the church which the queen ordered the bishops to correct.
During the last years of the reign the movement towards Presbyterianism was checked and nonconformity was less prominent.
The results of nonconformity in a family are just an epitome of what happens on a larger scale in the world.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.