noun as in impartiality
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South Korean President Moon Jae-in offered more detailed goals in November when he ordered government officials to develop a road map for transitioning to cleaner energy and carbon neutrality by 2050.
The previous administration had said Japan would target an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050, with vague notions of reaching complete carbon neutrality sometime thereafter.
More ambitiously, AI legal neutrality may prompt a more fundamental change in how capital is taxed.
Jackson explained that the next step in Apple’s quest for carbon neutrality and waste reduction would be to no longer include USB power adapters or headphones with purchases of the upcoming iPhone 12.
China has yet to publish an official plan for how it would achieve carbon neutrality, but climate researchers have mapped out pathways.
“Because of the neutrality policy, we have partisans working together on the same articles,” Sanger explained.
Net neutrality has leveled the playing field, making it possible for mom-and-pop sites to compete with large corporations.
With this new development, LEGO tacitly undermined its own claims to neutrality.
Pamphlets were venues for advocacy and commentary on domestic affairs, but newspapers adopted a pose of just-the-facts neutrality.
The ideal of journalistic neutrality also has pragmatic origins.
There might be in the school boys base enough to charge that he lacked spirit in his attitude of armed neutrality.
It would be at once a breach of that neutrality we profess to observe, and, in my opinion, an aiding of the worst cause.
At a recent opening of Parliament she addressed her people, saying she hoped she could keep perfect neutrality.
England has time and again made charges that she was assisting Germany in spite of her neutrality.
Though the Queen of Holland is married to a German prince, her attitude is one of neutrality in thought and action.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.