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To meet these objectives, Bose agency MediaCom leveraged Microsoft Advertising to promote sales and offers, reinforce their brand message and deliver enticing calls to action.

If you need something exceptionally light for an objective, just reuse a Gatorade or Smartwater container, as many thru-hikers do.

Those shortcomings include not accounting for ad position bias, users’ Save or Hide actions and brand awareness objectives.

This argument could advance the objectives of a political candidate and appeal to his supporters, but it can also undermine trust that the electoral process is fair.

When talking to other people about our experiences, sometimes we find ourselves saying things that sound objective.

His ideology is just so strong and so powerful that it clouds his vision for common sense and objectiveness.

It also is interesting to compare the subjectiveness and objectiveness of sensations.

The bond between the man and his art is so necessary and immediate that no objectiveness of method can conceal it.

No consciousness, properly so called, can exist, if this objectiveness be absolutely destroyed.

We have already seen that this objectiveness is not directly demonstrable a priori, and yet we stand in need of it.

We distinguish sleep from waking, even abstracting the objectiveness of the sensations.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


