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Back in February, I wrote a column arguing that the Democrats would need a strong, base-motivating message this year.

However, Webster acknowledges that these Insta-trainers are apparently motivating people.

Motivating demoralized doctors is something that Dr. Pamela Wible, a family physician in Oregon, has some experience with.

Chavarria says he was taught to be upset when going on to a football field—anger has always been his motivating force.

Considering her personal affairs, it'd be easy to assume money is a motivating factor.

They alike are motivating forces, the positive values attracting us, the negative values repelling us.

Character motivating action is central to this type of story, rather than mood dominating incident.

The same considerations apply to the value of a study or a topic of a study with reference to its motivating force.

Poetry has, he believes, a moral effect, but he does not establish this moral effect as its motivating purpose.

There are other reasons, but that substantially is one major motivating force?


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


