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adjective as in encouraging

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That’s heartening news for snow-sport businesses — and for people who are discovering their nearby trails, since the activity can help initiate and maintain longevity-boosting behaviors.

That’s up 16 percent from 2016, another heartening statistic.

And the international success has been heartening, particularly in Germany and Japan.

But somehow that concession fails to be terribly heartening.

It is not heartening that it took eight years for a grad student to catch the bogus math.

What is surprising to me, and heartening, is that so many Israelis are talking about it.

What is most heartening about our poll is that the American people get it.

Only by a nimble maneuver did I escape being tripped; but it was heartening to know Patricia could respond to my needs.

Several American officers have come to us on a visit, and the stories they bring of preparations at home are very heartening.

These heartening recollections made me forget the loss of Twist, the recalcitrant cow, and the dilemma that confronted me.

This explained us pretty well, I thought, and we got most heartening coffee and a cart to a little roadside station.

In a crisis like the present, moments drag like hours, and the firing line needed heartening.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


