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While it’s telling that his label is suspending him “indefinitely,” leaving room for him to return at any time, the instant condemnation from the industry is forceful enough that some in Nashville are skeptical how Wallen can come back from this.

Being a follower of a fringe-right group like QAnon or Proud Boys isn't inherently illegal — they've done nothing wrong until they become a part of a violent or forceful conspiracy.

From Axios

It requires a combination of forceful behavior and diplomacy.

From Fortune

A day later, she called for a broader, more forceful response.

Moreover, the trend is further fueled by Washington stepping back from its historic role as a forceful advocate for democracy abroad.

From Ozy

Allen met every one of his arguments with a forceful counterargument.

The further forward bare-boned science goes, however, the more forceful the counter- response.

They were engaged in a forceful and effective campaign to keep this information from Congress, the press and the American people.

Always spare, often forceful, Ryan Adams alternates tough pop songs with tender, unsparing ballads.

For the minority who want conflict, they will get a forceful answer from the Ukrainian authorities.

First of all is the forceful utterance of the stressed syllable; the Provençal has post-tonic syllables, unlike the sister-speech.

He used forceful language to arouse interest in reforms in which only a minority of the Virginians believed at the time.

“What right have you or Major Kinnaird——” she began, but Weston checked her with a little forceful gesture.

Another personality looked out from the deep-set, somnolent, gray eyes; a personality resolute, forceful and quietly alert.

The subjects are varied, and present Tolstoy's well-known views in his always forceful manner.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


