adjective as in adaptable
adjective as in adjustable
Strongest match
adjective as in alterable
adjective as in convertible
Strongest match
Strong match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
To test that hypothesis, the researchers genetically modified H3 histones in rats by replacing the amino acid that dopamine attaches to with a different one it doesn’t react with.
These companies’ products do not include genetically modified components, so they don’t need to go through the same regulatory process as Impossible.
One other thing that makes modifying the Land Cruiser so easy is the parts commonality it shares with the rest of Toyota’s truck range.
Bespoken’s drinks are made from a base alcohol or by modifying existing aged spirits, including some that would meet EU “whisky” requirements.
While many got started with the program by simply reformatting or modifying existing commerce content, others began developing content specially for Onsite Associates.
These are the two most important conditions of authorship; all the rest belong to the "less modifiable" order of things.
Means of correcting the modifiable being that we call bad, and encouraging the other that we call good.
The little part of the scheme of affairs which is modifiable by our efforts is continuous with the rest of the world.
More from observing others than by studying ourselves we see how modifiable a thing human nature is.
That instincts in their nascent stages are easily modifiable, and capable of being attached to various sorts of objects.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.