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noun as in sycophant

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His media minions have amplified the patronizing attitude in line with state-sponsored misogyny that is already common in Russia.

A hearing is done, a law is passed, and it’s part of the game that politicians and their minions interpret the event with their own take.

I wonder if there is a polite way to ask her to say "please" or some equivalent, so I don't feel like her minion or unappreciated secretary.

The president and his minions were focused on other threats.

Instruct your minions to remove any extraneous branches, and sharpen one end of each stick with a pocketknife.

Pranab Mukherjee, a minion brought in primarily to help speed up bank loans to Sanjay, is currently the president of India.

Even worse, Rajiv Shah, the new head of USAID, is a Hillary “minion,” as one insider puts it, who has hardly put up a fight.

Falser than the Bank of Fancy, frailer than a shilling glove, Puppet to a father's anger, minion to a nabob's love!

The minion of a Czar and the representative of a nation cannot be united in one and the same person.

I was but planning with this minion here some way to freshen your spirits.

I will have a garment reach to my taille; Then am I a minion, for I wear the new guise.

It seemed as if he would scarce ever again discover the carnate dwelling-place of the haunting minion of his imagination.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


