make healthy
verb as in cure
Strongest matches
verb as in heal
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Strong matches
verb as in recondition
Strongest match
Strong matches
verb as in restitute
Strong matches
verb as in restore
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Strong matches
Example Sentences
“In order for these states to make it work, they need to find a way to make healthy choices the default choice,” she says.
Ditch the calorie talk and let her see you make healthy food choices most of the time, without agonizing over your food.
If our food does not contain enough of the substances which are needed to make healthy bone, the bones will become unhealthy.
Moreover, cooking is by far the more healthful occupation, and one of the aims of a practical education is to make healthy women.
Learn all you can, and tell other people how to make healthy bodies and happy souls by eating good plain food.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.