adverb as in faithfully
Example Sentences
When it does, Obama is going to need Democratic legislators and liberals across the country firmly and loyally in his corner.
And Netanyahu has loyally followed that advice since entering politics a quarter century ago.
Any black officer in uniform, no matter how loyally he had served the republic, was killed or thrown in chains.
Mike Lofgren loyally served the GOP on Capitol Hill for 28 years.
Not since Carmela Soprano has a wife stood so loyally behind her n'er-do-well husband as Denise Richards has in recent months.
If they were, the occasions were few and far between, as the companies generally loyally carried out the provisions of the Act.
But he did not give in without a struggle, and he fought loyally for the absent Dabbler, but the girls were inexorable.
It is an arrangement, loyally carried out, by which each party is allowed in turn to come into power.
Throughout the full extent of the city each shall render assistance to the other, loyally and to the best of his ability.
Their answer was respectful, but firmly and loyally expressive of their views and feelings.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.