adjective as in flattered
Strong matches
adjective as in praised
Strongest match
adjective as in renowned
adjective as in thanked
Strong matches
Example Sentences
The lauded chef built a nonprofit from scratch to meet unprecedented need for nutritious meals in underserved communities, and he’s just getting started
But many spirits experts have long lauded Japanese whiskies as formidable—even the most elegant—drams.
It had to be an unpleasant shock for the much-lauded Bratton.
She was the third-wave feminism firebrand, famous and lauded.
Similarly, television shows that include gay characters are lauded for being so “brave” and for changing culture for the better.
The Mayans are lauded for their achievements—their art & architecture, intricate calendar, and developed culture.
It was generally lauded by Spaniards, whilst it filled all classes of natives with indignation.
As you won honor after honor, and Christian and Moslem lauded you, was your gladness greater than mine?
Why did not art, science, philosophy, and literature save the most lauded nations of the ancient world?
In it the cleverness of Miss Sally Blossom was lauded to the skies.
Among his later poetry there is also one on 'Columbus and Washington,' in which, of course, both are lauded.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.