noun as in blamelessness
noun as in harmlessness, naiveté
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Example Sentences
He read from a rambling 21-page statement, reasserting his innocence and airing grievances against the criminal justice system.
He maintains his innocence, said he regrets not coming out sooner but said he assumed his constituents knowing would “not go over well.”
Navlakha, who is in his 60s, has said he maintains his innocence and is worried about receiving a fair and speedy trial.
Lee professed his innocence and fought the actions, typically settling for discounted amounts.
The official believed his innocence, according to Jefferson, but cited his “reputational risk” still driven, a year after his exoneration, by the allegations whenever he is Googled.
“The innocence of young people must be preserved at all costs,” said Glees.
He did not plead guilty, and has regularly filed petitions in an effort to prove his innocence.
But I remain in prison on these baseless allegations while waiting for the chance to prove my innocence.
We look forward to proving their innocence and to their complete vindication before a trial court.
And there were much wider protests later in 2012 after the anti-Islam movie trailer, “Innocence of Muslims,” appeared on YouTube.
Stung to the soul, Louis threw himself at her feet, to proclaim his innocence of all these inferences, before heaven and her.
The soul's confessions of that dear young lady were delightful in their naïve innocence.
Beware of ignorance which assumes the mask of knowledge, or of designing roguery which apes the appearance of innocence.
We stayed at the Pera Palace Hotel, and the first night after dinner, in our innocence, strolled out.
Her face, too, was inexpressibly virginal in its expression of innocence and of melancholy suffering.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.