Example Sentences
As the noble youth of the burgeoning realm, they were indoctrinated and inducted into the loyalty-based cult of the king.
For the right, “Loudoun” became a buzzword for out-of-control bureaucrats indoctrinating kids with extreme “woke” ideas.
This behind-the-scenes effort at indoctrinating students into their states’ mythologies is now pushing into public view, with DeSantis crowing about his fight to shape young minds.
If I was trying to indoctrinate somebody’s kids, this is how I would do it.
Instead he would be deemed an extremist, aggressive and liable to indoctrinate his peers.
They want to indoctrinate impressionable young minds by placing these gay characters on pedestals in a positive light.
He then proceeded to rant about “liberal college professors” trying to “indoctrinate” students.
Santorum also complains about “some liberal college professor … trying to indoctrinate” students.
I also tried through my own newspaper to indoctrinate the people, but my mind grew more and more embarrassed.
Better to save one sinner from an obvious vice that is destroying him, than to indoctrinate ten thousand saints.
It is not at all the idea to carry over one of our professors each year and indoctrinate him with the true culture at its source.
Located in Bucharest, both of these institutions are designed to train and indoctrinate key bureaucratic personnel.
She begged him to indoctrinate his successor, Mr. Edward Stanhope.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.