noun as in caprice
noun as in disloyalty
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in faithlessness
noun as in flightiness
noun as in infidelity
noun as in inquietude
noun as in perfidiousness
noun as in perfidy
noun as in restiveness
noun as in restlessness
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in traitorousness
noun as in treacherousness
noun as in unease
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in unfaithfulness
noun as in vacillation
Strongest match
Weak match
noun as in vagary
noun as in weakness
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in weak point
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- Achilles heel
- appetite
- blemish
- chink in armor
- debility
- decrepitude
- delicacy
- enervation
- failing
- faintness
- fault
- feebleness
- foible
- fondness
- frailty
- gap
- impairment
- impotence
- inclination
- indecision
- infirmity
- instability
- invalidity
- irresolution
- lack
- languor
- lapse
- liking
- passion
- penchant
- powerlessness
- predilection
- proclivity
- prostration
- senility
- sore point
- taste
- vice
- vitiation
Example Sentences
The seemingly rigid boundaries between cells and within species are flexible and inconstant.
That the inconstancy of such notices, in cases equally important, proves they did not proceed from any such agent.
Grene, fresh; probably with a reference to green as being the colour of inconstancy.
She soon began to find sinister meaning in the jocular speeches that are current in the world as to the inconstancy of men.
With respect to moral delinquency, the only blemish in the character of Festus is a certain inconstancy in love.
To him Cavour's slow patient policy came of mere weakness and inconstancy of purpose.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.