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After testing, the researchers showed that the air’s humidity — water content — had been powering the setup.

The company has developed an attachment for air-conditioning systems that uses these materials to reduce the humidity in the air before it goes into a standard unit.

Six instruments distributed across the neck, body and interior will measure air temperature, air pressure, humidity, radiation and wind speed and direction.

What’s more, he points out, “The challenge is not just to take up water from humid air, but to do it at low humidity, too.”

They exposed their aluminum-based MOF to outdoor air with humidity as low as 10 percent.

In the desert, an unbelievable humidity emerges when standing near water sources.

Fall and early summer are the ideal times to visit, in-between the bitter winters and the humidity of the hot August nights.

The unit features three unlabeled controls, as well as a digital display of the current temperature and humidity.

Dehydration, in heat and humidity as well as dry winter weather, is a major headache trigger.

When Moore was little, the two would spend almost all of August at Disney World, braving the humidity and crowds.

As all parts of this apparatus are of metal changes in humidity or temperature do not affect its regulation.

The humidity of the earth had rusted the screws, and it was not without some difficulty that the coffin was opened.

As camels live in the desert they must keep smelling the air to find out its humidity.

The great humidity gives rise to many diseases, particularly fevers, and the alternations from heat to damp cause dysentery.

In the cold season its weight increases by the absorption of humidity.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


