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noun as in displaced person

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I was very fortunate that the actors, DP, and set designer I had were top-level.

“We had three people in our crew—myself, producer Zak Piper, and our DP, Dana Kupper,” says James.

[Director] Nic Roeg, [DP] Tony Richmond, Julie Christie and me.

To this day, my mother can recite the Hebrew poetry of Bialik, which she learned in the DP camps of postwar Germany.

But he had never heard of a petition for a DP being refused.

All of class Dp recognise class Dp2 (though of another generation) as brothers and sisters.

Dp recognises as father or mother all members of classes A and B; similarly Cp, etc.

Now suppose dp imposed without change of volume, and dT to be the resulting temperature change.

This time, they'd harnessed Nedda's restless passion to the task of dissuading him from a DP.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


