hooked up
adjective as in on-line
adjective as in united
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Ignoring people you hooked up with at Shooters when encountering them on campus is a quintessential Duke experience.
Meanwhile, Beth is working from inside the hospital to secure the drugs Carol needs and to keep her hooked up to an IV drip.
I know Rene Haynes, the casting director, and I hooked up Alex and Andrew with Rene.
GoPro hooked up a camera to a drone and flew it into the pyrotechnics, offering a new way to marvel at the spectacle.
It turns out that a nail clipper, divided into two halves and hooked up directly into a power socket will boil water.
That Hicks—the damned —— —— —— he come t' Baker's as they hooked up t' leave the Spring.
There was some sort of a phonograph device under the cowl of that get-away car, and this was hooked up to the radio switch.
She is sharp at the joints and shoulder-blades, and her black silk dress is hooked up behind in the fashion of twenty years ago.
The next day being town day, David “hooked up” Old Hundred and drove to the house.
He hated medical exams, especially those where parts of one's body were hooked up to a lot of impressive machinery.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.