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I was able to comfortably wear a harness on top of it, thanks to the slim cut around the torso.

It’s equally important to choose a model that won’t limit usage of collars or harnesses.

The second idea was a longer harness that gave more support to the dog rather than just holding it up by its middle.

Winter Resort operators are harnessing an unlikely source to power their operations: the sun.

The system could operate on a closed loop, recycling its water and harnessing the power of the sun.

In effect, then, the resort is harnessing the power of the sun to turn seawater into a nourishing resource—for people and plants.

One team proposed harnessing the body heat lost from passengers sitting in their seats to power the overhead lighting.

With evangelical zeal, he invites the applauding audience to join him in harnessing “the power of paper and glue.”

Under the table his hands moved in the intricate symbolic pattern which aided such emotion-harnessing.

Here they obtained some idea of harnessing and driving horses, of ploughing, and of the other farming operations.

Afterward more precious moments were consumed in harnessing up the new steeds and getting once more under way.

But Sally is harnessing up a coach-and-six to drive through human obligations.

They want to get from us the secret of harnessing nature up to their wagon to pull their heavy loads.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


