

View definitions for happy hour

happy hour

noun as in cocktail hour

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We’re in a collective mental health crisis, with isolation wreaking havoc and Zoom happy hours not solving anything.

From Eater

She found any excuse to throw parties with her friends and family, whether for Halloween or happy hour.

I’ve never seen the patio where we’re set to host our happy hour the night before.

From Fortune

Having a community of friends who are always down to take in those landscapes on a happy hour hike is definitely a close second.

The group of six men decided to start having socially distant happy hours on their lawn chairs in their shared cul-de-sac.

As the crowd sucked down the debate happy-hour specials in the hours before the debate, a worried frisson settled over them.

With a Republican frontrunner weaker than a happy-hour margarita and a significantly reshuffled deck of challengers.

They should spend more time in the kitchen and less time worrying about the specials and happy-hour board.

The happy hour shall come, all the more appreciated because it comes unexpectedly.

The day wears away, and at length comes the happy hour when gown and slippers may be brought into requisition.

Looking back afterwards that seemed to Judith to be the last happy hour she had with Nancy for some time.

The change he marked was not the influence of the present happy hour; a stronger and less recent power had done the magic work.

And now, as the happy hour of his departure was quickly approaching, he became silent for a little.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


