
View definitions for gush


noun as in outpouring

verb as in pour out

verb as in speak with overwhelming enthusiasm

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Example Sentences

It was then that I finally felt a gush of joy, as after all that steady deliberation, new solutions that hadn’t been noticed before starting falling out naturally.

Ask most designers for their mentors and out will gush a waterfall of names.

On TripAdvisor, visitors gush about the tour and the supernatural experiences encountered during their stay.

In a gush of pro-America, anti–Soviet Union glory, the fourth installment in the Rocky saga pulls out all the stops.

Viewers of a 2011 60 Minutes segment saw Amaitis gush about his relationship with legendary sports bettor Billy Walters.

In a nation of couch potatoes, advertisers know the value of flogging their brands when the orchestra starts to gush.

Dr. May was glad to see that a gush of tears followed this exclamation, as Norman hid his face under the coverings.

It will gush from my heart—I must strike right here—strong and quick—it will not pain much.

Scarce a leaf stirs; only now and again a great, cool gush of air that makes my papers fly, and is gone.

I glanced through the letter again, and I felt a warm gush of pity for our poor deluded Liosha.

The honest orderliness and dignified calmness of his life, as I read it, are quite refreshing in this time of rush and gush.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


