Example Sentences
Montalbán endowed his Catalan gumshoe with an equally impressive set of quirks that are aired and explored in each book.
In some ways, The Hypnotist hews closer to the American gumshoe tradition.
The book on which I was doing all the gumshoe reporting, Godtalk, is now a time capsule.
Not some cheesy gumshoe operation with frosted-glass windows and the lingering stench of stale cigar smoke.
Under McCullogh's regime this open-shop gumshoe artist had free access to the jail with instructions to go as far as he liked.
I'm sure the gumshoe when it comes to pipin' a man off so's I got his photograph in my eye.
A gumshoe outlasts a hobnailed sole and a rubber tube full of air is better than a steel tire.
And consider the appropriateness of the figures of speech, as Gumshoe would say.
One for the Gumshoe, said Tony blithely, as they turned onto the campus.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.