give thanks
verb as in appreciate
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verb as in praise
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verb as in thank
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Example Sentences
He is someone for whom we should all give thanks as we come to Thanksgiving.
Most churches are private, built either to give thanks for the recovery of a sick family member…or to avoid paying taxes.
She admitted attending Mass to “give thanks” and enjoyed AA meetings, describing them as “better than television.”
One added reason for the Dalys to give thanks this year is that Bronagh was accompanied by her friend, Haley.
Cathleen Alexis and everybody else has cause to give thanks that the wounded officer, Scott Williams, is on the mend.
Surely the righteous shall give thanks (confess) unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.
Give thanks to her, bless and praise her for having adopted you as her child, and strive to become worthy of so great a privilege.
I think of him and love him and give thanks for him now, and shall till I die and afterwards!
They forgot to give thanks for the sweet waters of the maple, and for the planting season.
Give thanks and rejoice, and hasten to make your calling and election sure.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.