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Back then, mystery and misinformation were the coins of the realm.

The 70,000 coins dated back 3,000 years to the Iron Age and worth an estimated $15 million.

Prices start at around $1,000 for Greek-Roman coins (250 A.D.) and top $25,000 for ornate Sarcophagus lids.

There are 200 mosquitos from New Delhi caught and killed mid-bite, peep-show coins, and artifacts of daily life in North Korea.

Back in the day, I marshaled some of the rare coins I had in junior high and took out a subscription to Rolling Stone.

In the metal of the tenor several coins are visible, one being a Spanish dollar of 1742.

The Mint belongs to our engine concern, and now coins about five millions per year.

The latter saw the glint of gold coins between the meshes of the purse and her heart throbbed.

He flung a couple of gold coins on the floor and dashed out into the darkness and the rain.

I thanked the gardener again, putting a few coins into his hand, and made my way to the address he had given me.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


