Example Sentences
Still, visitors have bushwhacked pathways through the brush to visit the trail, and the uptick in tourists has caused damage to the surrounding area and to the tree itself.
I spent golden days here in my youth, bushwhacking through thick mountain forest with Grandpa, hooking fish, gathering huckleberries, and splitting firewood with an ax as tall as my skinny 12-year-old frame.
Be sure to book a plane with tires, rather than floats, or you might find yourself bushwhacking to get to the dunes.
He was also the Newt who had tried to bushwhack Chuck on the trail.
All your friends that helped bushwhack me will itch to get that five hundred, Sebastian.
Figured that in my stocking feet I could creep up on the two fellows who were trying to bushwhack you.
Look out for a big bushwhack, and be prepared to shoot at half a second's notice.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.