black market
noun as in illegal commerce
adjective as in underground, contraband
verb as in sell illegally
Strong match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The Arabs offered the Nazis a haven, as well as a market for all their nefarious dealings in arms and black market currency.
In the last days of the Soviet Union, there was a going black market in burned-out light-bulbs.
While the end of prohibition brought an end to the alcohol black market in America, the ubiquity of it brought its own problems.
Inside the country's only wildlife forensics lab, where scientists hunt down black-market animal smugglers.
Poaching fell off dramatically, and the black market price of ivory dropped.
It seemed to her that the men might be identified through Black Market operators with whom they must have dealings.
Nothing very reliable was available in the black market without more notice.
Even the most respectable businessmen were doing occasional business with the black market in technological devices.
Vernon Trask was the go-between for some of the biggest black market operators in the country.
There still were crooks who thought that the black market dealt in stolen goods of that sort.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.