adjective as in illegal
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adjective as in outlawed
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Example Sentences
Mourning a friend who died a year earlier, the group attempts to finance a move to California through various extralegal schemes that bring them into unwitting conflict with other local posses.
Amy, the actress with deep connections in the industry, has seen actors get what they need through “friendly” doctors and extralegal means.
The other front is outside the bounds of constitutional and democratic competition and into the realm of illegal or extralegal efforts to undermine the electoral process.
Still mourning a friend who died a year earlier, the ad-hoc gang is saving to finance a move to California through various extralegal schemes whose immediate effect is to bring them into unwitting conflict with other local posses.
The government maintained its power for a time through extralegal acts, setting aside election results it did not like.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.