

View definitions for axiomatic


adjective as in understood; aphoristic

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Yes, I know, it's not axiomatic that a vote against Upton means a loss.

After Vietnam, it was axiomatic that the press would approach those in power with a skepticism verging on cynicism.

When you pay them more, it is axiomatic that they will spend more.

All it seems to mean is: really good, sells poorly—a relationship common enough in literary fiction as to feel axiomatic.

That his present purpose was righteous, he passionately believed; that one should pay his blood-debt seemed axiomatic.

The same axiomatic proposition must dominate every legal task, but especially every task of criminal law.

The strangest part of the matter is, that this doctrine seems to M. Comte to be axiomatic.

Of course the real purpose of the game was to take care of Martha—that was axiomatic!

With all the intelligent people she had ever known, it had been axiomatic that there was no answer.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


