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nascent is a synonym of incipient

adjective [ nas-uhnt, ney-suhnt ]

nascent is another word for incipient

Incipient describes something that is in an early stage, and is only just beginning to exist or appear (an incipient headache).

Nascent describes something that is beginning to exist or just beginning to develop (She was one of the first stars of the nascent film industry).

Incipient and nascent are similar, though nascent focuses slightly more on development and growth (The nascent political movement), and incipient on appearing or emerging (We spotted the incipient problems before they got out of hand).

Incipient and nascent are both pretty unusual words, and you won’t see them quite as often as synonyms like growing or burgeoning.

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advocate is a synonym of supporter

noun [ ad-vuh-kit, -keyt ]

advocate is another word for supporter

Supporter refers to someone who sustains or maintains another person or a thing (Her supporters rallied around her after the scandal).

Advocate refers to someone who openly and publicly supports and defends a person or cause, often in writing or through campaigning. Advocate suggests that the person or cause particularly needs support or defense (He was a devoted advocate for animal welfare).

Supporter is a more general word, and can refer to someone who supports a person or cause, and can also refer to a fan of a sports team (She was a supporter of the local baseball team).

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presume is a synonym of assume

verb [ pri-zoom ]

presume is another word for assume

✅ Both assume and presume mean to suppose that something is true, without proof (I assume you will be out for a few hours; I presume you’ll want dinner).

✅ The key difference between assume and presume is the amount of evidence you have to suppose something. Assume suggests that you have no real evidence for your assumption (I assumed she would be at the concert).

Presume suggests that you have some evidence based on context. Therefore, a presumption is more likely to be accurate (I presumed you’d be overwhelmed after the party).

✅ When you presume something, you’re usually doing so because of something that has happened before—such as a similar occurrence, or a previous conversation (Because you don’t like fish, I presumed you’d want chicken). Assume suggests that the supposition is out of nowhere (I don’t know why I assumed you’d be upset).

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