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Synonym of the day


resourceful is a synonym of clever

adjective [ ri-sawrs-fuhl, -sohrs-, -zawrs-, -zohrs- ]

resourceful is another word for clever

Clever describes someone who is intelligent and quick (a clever student).

Resourceful describes someone who is very good at dealing with new, often difficult, situations (She’s good in an emergency because she’s resourceful).

✅ Both clever and resourceful can describe people who show ingenuity and inventiveness, or things that require ingenuity and problem-solving. Resourceful especially describes someone who can make something good or successful out of bad circumstances (He was a resourceful cook; They came up with a clever solution).

Resourceful describes a specific kind of intelligence, focused on quickly understanding a situation and dealing imaginatively and practically with it. Clever tends to imply wittiness and an aptitude for more traditionally academic skills.

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stoic is a synonym of aloof

adjective [ stoh-ik ]

stoic is another word for aloof

Aloof describes someone who is reserved, disinterested, or reticent when concerning other people (He was aloof with the other guests).

Stoic describes someone who is generally impassive and seems unmoved by strong emotion, and who also accepts hardship without complaint (She was stoic about the end of her relationship).

Aloof and stoic describe similar kinds of personality traits, though there are key differences.

Aloof generally describes the way someone interacts with other people (They thought the gentleman was aloof and rude), whereas stoic describes a person’s response to their circumstances and emotions (Beneath her stoic expression, they could tell she was having a good time).

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rejuvenation is a synonym of renewal

noun [ ri-joo-vuh-ney-shuhn ]

rejuvenation is another word for renewal

Renewal refers to the state of being new again, or seeming like new. Renewal also suggests a feeling of being young again or returning to a previous state of mental and emotional health (The subscription was up for renewal; The spa promised rest and renewal).

Rejuvenation refers to making someone feel younger and healthier, or returning something to a previous and better state (I was filled with a sense of rejuvenation after the meal; The garden was in need of rejuvenation).

✅ While renewal has a more general meaning and covers all different kinds of making things like new (Spring brought joy and renewal), rejuvenation generally suggests a return of vigor and enthusiasm (Economic rejuvenation made the town an exciting place to live again).

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