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luxuriate is a synonym of indulge

a [ luhg-zhoor-ee-eyt, luhk-shoor- ]

luxuriate is another word for indulge

To indulge in something, such as a decadent dessert, is to yield to a desire for that thing, or to allow oneself to follow one’s will. This verb is commonly used of things one typically limits or avoids, and so it is bound up with the idea of giving oneself permission to do something or giving in to something that is usually off-limits. To luxuriate in something is to revel in it, or to enjoy oneself without limitation or restraint. Luxuriate implies a more delighted and celebratory kind of partaking. This sumptuous synonym may call to mind extravagance (what we associate with the word luxury), but one can luxuriate in pleasures big or small.

Commonly found as

luxuriate + enjoy
He was ready to hit the beach, luxuriate in the warmth of the sun, and enjoy his first vacation in years.
luxuriate + bath
After declaring Saturday "spa day," she luxuriated in a warm bath for most of the afternoon. 

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preside is a synonym of manage

verb [ pri-zahyd ]

preside is another word for manage

The verb manage is used several different ways. One can manage stress, manage to get by, or manage a business. The last example, in which manage means broadly "to be in charge of," is the closest to preside. To preside is to exercise management or control, the way a lawyer might over an estate or a president over a country during a specific event or time period. The verb's similarity to the word president is no coincidence: the two terms come from the same Latin verb (praesidēre "to preside over," literally, "to sit in front of"). Preside is also used to talk about occupying a place of authority, as in an assembly or meeting: when you preside over a meeting, you are acting as the person in charge.

Commonly found as

preside over
A local judge presided over the ceremony.
preside + meeting
The new executive director for the company likes to preside over every meeting except for, conspicuously, the ones on Friday afternoons.

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smitten is a synonym of enamored

adjective [ smit-n ]

smitten is another word for enamored

Love is in the air when it comes to today’s lexical couple. Or more precisely, love is right there in their definitions! The first term, enamored, means simply “in love.” It is the past participle of the passionate verb enamor, “to fill or inflame with love.” Smitten means “very much in love.” It comes from the verb smite, “to afflict or affect” and also “to strike or hit.” It makes sense, then, to think of being smitten as being "struck" by love or—you guessed it!—lovestruck. As for the undertones of meaning: where enamored emphasizes admiration and appreciation, smitten skews more toward infatuation.

Commonly found as

instantly smitten
It was obvious to everyone at the party who had witnessed the introduction: she was instantly smitten with him.
smitten couple
The smitten couple enjoyed a stroll through the neighborhood holding hands. 

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