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consequently is a synonym of therefore

adverb [ kon-si-kwent-lee, -kwuhnt- ]

consequently is another word for therefore

Therefore is the best word to say that something is happening because of a given reason (It’s delicious, therefore I love it).

Consequently is the best word to say that something is happening as a direct consequence of something else, or as the next action (I dropped my ice cream and consequently got a second one).

✅ Both these words can connect two statements. Use therefore when the second statement follows directly from the first as a result of reasoning (“X” equals seven, therefore “y” equals eight). Use consequently when the second statement is a known or evident result of the first statement (It has been very sunny, and consequently the river is dry).

Therefore is used most often in technical contexts, like in mathematics or law, or in academic and formal writing. Consequently is also a formal word, but can be used in more general contexts.

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assent is a synonym of agree

verb [ uh-sent ]

assent is another word for agree

Agree is a general word for coming to a shared decision (We agreed on a course of action).

Assent is more formal and often means to accept a decision without being part of reaching that decision (The governor assented to the representatives’ plan).

Assent is often more passive than agree, implying one has given in to someone else’s decision (My mom assented to hosting the party).

Agree implies a more participatory and mutual decision (It took a long time for us to agree).

We hope you’ll agree to check out these synonyms for assent.

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particular is a synonym of special

adjective [ per-tik-yuh-ler, puh-tik- ]

particular is another word for special

Special is the perfect word to describe something that is treated differently because it’s uncommon (a special event) or stands out (Our first apartment was so special).

Particular is the perfect word to describe something that has been singled out from other similar things for attention (We always sit at a particular table in the restaurant); often what is singled out is something otherwise ordinary (That particular lamp is too tall).

Special indicates that a person or thing stands out on their own merits, whereas particular usually implies that a person or thing is just like its peers, and is being picked out for some other reason.

Try using Grammar Coach to write a paragraph about one particular flower in a garden.

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