


Definition for consequently

adverb as in as a consequence

Strong match


Weak matches

ergo, thereupon, wherefore

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These metrics can help you understand what kind of content gets more attention and, consequently, might be more profitable.

This consequently has a pretty direct link back to Dashlane.

Introducing some instability into your seating so your core has to work harder to keep you balanced can improve your core, and consequently your back, without you even realizing it.

Poor quality content doesn’t inspire visitors to take action or engage with your offerings, and consequently, won’t help your website rank well.

She loved that dress and wore it often, and consequently you loved it as well.

Dynamo is a platform that gives Turkers a collective voice and, consequently, the chance to drive change.

“Consequently, nearly everyone with much expertise but little patience will avoid ed­iting Wikipedia,” Sanger lamented.

Consequently, there were soon scores of wiki sites as well as open-source improvements to his software.

Women are consequently more likely to subject themselves to unsafe abortions or continue pregnancies against their will.

Consequently, they actively sought other candidates, including a former member of Congress who served in the 1970s.

The volunteers and guerilla battalions were consequently disbanded, not a day too soon for the tranquillity of the city.

Both had appealed to Napoleon; consequently there was a decent pretext for sending a French army into Spain.

Consequently there is so universal misery that no words could exaggerate it to your Majesty.

Consequently the Chinese (or Ming) emperor sent a large army to enforce his demand for the amount of money due him.

Consequently he has taken occasion to write to your Majesty with tricks and cunning, as is said.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


