adverb as in necessarily
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- accordingly
- as a matter of course
- axiomatically
- beyond one's control
- by definition
- by its own nature
- cardinally
- come what may
- compulsorily
- consequently
- exigently
- from within
- fundamentally
- incontrovertibly
- indubitably
- ineluctably
- inescapably
- inexorably
- irresistibly
- of course
- of necessity
- perforce
- positively
- pressingly
- significantly
- unpreventably
- vitally
- willy-nilly
- without fail
adverb as in regularly
adverb as in spontaneously
Strongest matches
Strong match
Weak matches
adverb as in unconsciously
Example Sentences
It was significant enough for the stability control system to automatically intervene.
After every implementation and campaign, the tool learns automatically and shows scopes for improvement for future campaigns.
You have to bet from this dynamic pot, and only from this pot — you cannot add anything else to it other than your winnings, which automatically go back into the pot.
Nextdoor’s neighborhood moderators are often selected by invitations from other leads, and the first person to “found” their community’s digital presence on the platform can automatically become a lead.
AI and advertising seems to be the way paid search is moving to improve efficiencies automatically.
Although Southern did not automatically equal neo-Confederate, at times the distinction could easily get lost.
Even if they managed two or three days of hearings for Lynch, the calendar automatically goes into the following week.
Tickets will be free, but anyone who has ever denied anthropogenic climate change will be automatically denied a boarding pass.
But does simply announcing one has a story automatically legitimize its telling?
As the Hooters press kit shows, an appreciation for breasts does not automatically translate to an appreciation of women.
Hence, at the end of the war, the provision for redemption of Bank of England notes will work automatically.
Tom sat for a long time before the open window in a state of half stupor, staring at the pictures his mind offered automatically.
Directly any one of these be touched, the suitable bass mechanism is automatically thrown out of action.
You mean his Subtle Body, as you call it, might issue forth automatically in deep sleep and seek the object of its desire?
Automatically, as a result of habit, she unlocked her jewel-case and took out a tiny phial containing minute cachets.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.