adverb as in needlessly
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The CPG advertiser plans to cut out unnecessary ad tech vendors, particularly supply-side platforms that sell impressions on behalf of publishers, according to a source with knowledge of those discussions.
Washington Coach Ron Rivera said after the game that he didn’t think it was a dirty play by Peppers, though the safety was flagged for unnecessary roughness.
Also notice how the text doesn’t use unnecessary words within the definition.
The report named Mahendra Amin, an OB-GYN in Douglas, Georgia, as the doctor accused of the unpermitted, unnecessary, and unethical procedures.
The court upheld a South Carolina law requiring absentee voters to get a witness’s signature, despite some lower courts agreeing with Democrats that a witness’s signature was an unnecessary burden in a pandemic.
In other words, unnecessarily stringent abortion regulation could be far more dangerous than abortion itself.
Forty million Americans were inoculated, unnecessarily as it turned out.
Now, a study shows some breast cancer patients unnecessarily undergoing the procedure.
They only have one brain, and jeopardizing its safety unnecessarily is a complete non-starter for me.
He also found the president and vice president to be unnecessarily distrustful of the military.
An immense quantity of oil is unnecessarily consumed in keeping up this religious custom.
I need hardly warn you to be prudent, and not expose yourself unnecessarily to a superior force.
Sometimes they have been unnecessarily sacrificed, since human intelligence is, unfortunately, not omniscient.
And yet Mrs. Bassett was outwardly friendly, and she privately counseled Marian, quite unnecessarily, to be "nice" to Sylvia.
The word maudlin suggests the idea of being ready to weep unnecessarily.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.