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conscious is a synonym of aware

adjective [ kon-shuhs ]

conscious is another word for aware

✅  Conscious is the best word to describe a person who has come to realize something, as if waking up to it (I became conscious of how stressed I was).

✅  Aware is often used in the context of a sensory experience (I became aware of the smell of smoke).

✅  Both adjectives can also be used to describe knowing something. However, conscious has the added implication of uneasiness or nerves (I was conscious of the flaws in my argument).

✅  Conscious is also often used in contexts involving personal sensitivity, and can imply that a person is changing their behavior or feeling uneasy because of that sensitivity (He’s overly conscious about his appearance).

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emanate is a synonym of emerge

verb [ em-uh-neyt ]

emanate is another word for emerge

✅  Emanate refers to the flowing out of intangible things from a single source (Light emanated from the window; Good smells emanated from the bakery).

✅  Emerge is the best word for the process of something tangible or intangible coming into view or into the present context, especially when it was previously hidden (The sun finally emerged from the clouds; The facts slowly emerged during the investigation).

✅  Emerge and emanate may have similar outcomes, but the subjects and manner in which they are issued differ substantially (Sound emanated from the radio; The monster emerged from the lake).

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concern is a synonym of care

noun [ kuhn-surn ]

concern is another word for care

✅  Care is the best word for capturing general feelings of worry or anxiety about someone or something (You are never free of care for your loved ones).

✅  Concern is the best word when the feeling is more one of anxious interest or solicitude about someone or something specific (She feels concern for her friend going through a tough time).

✅  Concern can imply a less overarching or burdensome feeling than care, or even suggest a more passing or less intense feeling (He expressed his concern about the restaurant closing).

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