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backing is a synonym of support

noun [ bak-ing ]

backing is another word for support

Support and backing can both refer to all kinds of aid that people give (He offered us a lot of much-needed support; We couldn’t do this without the backing of our patrons).

Backing can imply a greater level of support or a sense of dedication from the people helping you (The legislation had the backing of almost all the politicians).

Backing generally suggests financial support, or the support of some kind of official organization or an organized group of people (The cause had the backing of an animal charity).

Support is a more general word, but can suggest private aid or help rather than the public aid or help suggested by backing (We had support from all our family members).

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distinct is a synonym of different

adjective [ dih-stingkt ]

distinct is another word for different

Different and distinct both can describe something that is unlike the thing it’s being compared to (The new recipe is different; The new art style was very distinct).

Different is a more general word, and can be used in a range of circumstances (I'd like to take a different approach).

Distinct describes something that is different from something else, but in a way that emphasizes a clear and unmistakable difference (His new films are distinct from his older work).

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fluctuate is a synonym of change

verb [ fluhk-choo-eyt ]

fluctuate is another word for change

Change refers to something that has become different, whether in state, form, or mood, from what it was before (The seasons change quickly here).

✅ To fluctuate means to change in a continuous and often irregular way (The sound of the building work fluctuated but never went away).

Change suggests a single instance of becoming different (The cost of noodles changed in response to the supply chain), while fluctuate suggests that change is the natural state—there’s no before and after (The exchange rate fluctuated constantly).

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