verb as in desire strongly
Example Sentences
In the sense that many people are out of a job and yearning for a sense of security agencies can’t give them.
Perhaps I had become irredeemably out of control because the direction and encouragement I yearned for at home was absent.
Weary of the disruptions, students yearn to return to the classroom.
If you yearn for tranquility, you’ll spend your life in turmoil because that’s not what life is like.
It’s the kind of experience that makes one yearn for a simple life.
Over 2,000 people graduate from university each year in Bhutan, and they yearn for professional work.
We may yearn for them but they are unreachable now, left in a past that seems almost to belong to a distant planet.
It's at a time like this that Germans yearn most for Paul the Octopus, the great mollusk soothsayer for Germany.
Fine—many (though not all) transgender people yearn to take on their felt gender role.
I yearn for an America where people in positions of leadership actually take actual responsibility for their actual failures.
I yearn for one now, but will not endeavour to procure one, I wish to be a father, yet refuse to be a husband or enact his part.'
Your 'gift,' your genius, is yourself, and it's because it's yourself that I yearn for you.
How often, during my ministry, did I yearn to be able to utter that emphatic word!
All that blood in the water made a fine sight, made him yearn all the more to wet his hands with blood.
Neither did he yearn for fair persons—sometimes containing a soul—obtainable at a price for ineffable delight.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.