adjective as in plentiful
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- abounding
- appreciable
- bounteous
- bumper
- chock-full
- competent
- complete
- copious
- enough
- excessive
- extravagant
- exuberant
- flowing
- flush
- fruitful
- full
- fulsome
- improvident
- inexhaustible
- infinite
- large
- lavish
- liberal
- lousy with
- lush
- luxuriant
- no end
- overflowing
- plenteous
- plenty
- prodigal
- profuse
- replete
- rife
- superabundant
- superfluous
- swarming
- swimming
- teeming
Example Sentences
For, as to former sojourns, not one has been passed without some deaths, although they were well provided for.
All four countries are well provided with hiding-places in forest and mountain.
While our sick men had not a mattress to lie down upon, and were without blankets, the French were well provided for.
What subdued the composer's individuality was no doubt the violoncello, which, however, is well provided with grateful cantilene.
As everyone dressed for dinner in the West Indies for the sake of coolness and comfort, Nat was well provided in this way.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.