adjective as in convenient
Strongest matches
Strong match
adjective as in cunning
adjective as in tactical
Strongest match
Example Sentences
Moscow officials suggested that the attack on the Russian embassy was a well-planned action.
For many this seems more like a well-planned campaign than mere coincidence.
The CIA is the only agency left that could pull off something as complex and well planned an operation as the Internet.
Her route is well planned, yet somewhere—on the streets of Tehran, in a yurt in Turkmenistan—Lin-Liu loses her way.
But is his kind of love—“a resolute march to the future, well planned and equipped and unhindered by doubt”—enough?
In 1887 a most determined and well-planned movement was made by Scottish yachtsmen against the 'America' Cup.
The expedition had been well planned, and vigorously executed, but unforseen circumstances defeated it.
They had not taken Molly into their confidence, but what they intended to do was well planned beforehand.
The Princess's dress was particularly well planned and showed her off well, as the veil concealed the thinness of her neck.
A well-planned piece of work, cleverly performed, made it advantageous to the couple to go abroad.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.