noun as in carefulness
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The rise of variants requires vigilance for those who wish to protect themselves — and others, because vaccinated people may still be able to carry and transmit the virus.
It also underscores the importance of vigilance, to fully investigate any cases of the coronavirus that develop in people who are vaccinated so that there is an early alert if the virus shows it can break through the immunity conjured by vaccines.
We’ll need continued vigilance, continually following the protocols, making the right decisions.
We learned that as knowledge and science advances, what is required of our vigilance changes.
Mark Jarret, the chief quality officer for New York’s Northwell Health system, said he understood that many people are tiring of constant vigilance after nine months of isolation and Zoom gatherings and waving at people from six feet away.
Vigilance, yes; but taking the most aggressive action—not so much.
Lebanese security officials put that down to their increased vigilance and better policing.
People may not talk [about it], but there are some vigilance groups that work closely with the security forces.
Despite their vigilance they had seen nothing of armed men entering the town, they claimed.
Pilots are highly sensitive to the idea of being overheard by what they see as Big Brother vigilance.
And now there was added to this devotion an element of indefinable anxiety which made its vigilance unceasing.
The city had good government for twenty years after the operations of that Vigilance Committee.
If any thing excited suspicion, the individual and his premises were to be searched with the utmost vigilance.
It was an immense structure of great weight, and only an uncommon honesty—and vigilance—in building had saved it from destruction.
I am terrified at the thought of what may occur at any moment in spite of my solicitude and untiring vigilance.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.