noun as in actor
Strong matches
Example Sentences
The first show there was me, Elayne Boosler, the ventriloquist team of Willie Tyler & Lester and other great comics too.
John Boehner is less the Speaker than a battered ventriloquist for the Tea Party klatch in his caucus.
He becomes a ventriloquist, and gets laughs only when the dummy pees on him.
When the ventriloquist is a voice of experience and not of love, words are no longer material for heartfelt expression.
Yet there are many onlookers who, by a ventriloquist, can be made to believe that the picture speaks.
Frank was a very good amateur ventriloquist, although he seldom practiced the art.
Being a skilled ventriloquist, he was the author of the dismal groans and the mysterious voice that had so alarmed the boys.
She was something of a ventriloquist, which made these accomplishments especially delightful.
The voice drew near like the ventriloquist doing the trick of the man in the cellar.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.